Thursday, October 31, 2019
Accounting 2010 Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Accounting 2010 Writing - Assignment Example Then, I will evaluate the overall financial statements section and comment on the perception, readability, and usefulness. Lastly, I will explain what changes that I would make to improve the overall annual report for Exxon Mobil. Rex W. Tillerson, Chairman and CEO, provides the shareholder in a very eloquent manner the information of the successes which ExxonMobil has accomplished over the past year by showing the growth compared to the year before. Furthermore, in the letter to the shareholders he goes on to explain how they plan to move ahead in the next five years to further grow their assets and equity to keep ExxonMobil atop their industry and ahead of their major competitors. And at the end of his letter to the shareholders he gives a rather formal yet enthusiastic pep talk to try and gain more investments into the company. Overall, he does a wonderful and eloquent job of conveying his message to the shareholders. The use of graphs and charts within the 2011 Annual Report of ExxonMobil allows the company to represent the data they have collected over the past year. The data collected shows comparisons to the previous yearââ¬â¢s business, industry averages, or even show a possible forecast of what they may need to produce to keep up with the ever increasing demand for cleaner, better forms of energy. Some of the charts are even located upon various photo spreads throughout the annual report as a way of highlighting various aspects of their business that is showing what is transpiring throughout the company not only physically (though production numbers), but financially, as well, throughout the globe. Also, some of these same charts and graphs show how they trying protect some of the same areas, environmentally and economically, where ExxonMobil is currently located throughout the world. The impact of the charts and graphs, in my opinion, shows that even though ExxonMobil is trying to find ways to increase there financial position
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Women would succeed in combat if given the chance Essay
Women would succeed in combat if given the chance - Essay Example pression of poor women, heterosexist bureaucracy, environmental ruin, and militarization all raise weighty issues for feminist movements today.1 Although feminist movements all over the world have been diversely triumphant, we become heir to several issues women of the earlier periods confronted. However, there are new issues as well as we try to understand a world permanently blemished by the unsuccessful attempt of communist and postcolonial capitalist societies to meet the economic, social, religious, and psychological demands of most of the worldââ¬â¢s people. Globalization has increasingly become representative of the motives and goals of the free market and companies rather than autonomy and liberty from economic, cultural, and political subjugation for all the inhabitants of the world.2 There are several of the issues tackled in ââ¬Ëwomen and warââ¬â¢. It adopts as its basic arguments the importance of the involvement of feminist movements in both local and global political, economic, and cultural mechanisms, and the importance of a global discourse in creating an ethical tradition able to endure and revolutionize the oppressive and commodified processes of the global economy and community.3 The discussion raises the value of feminist research and analysis and aims to build connections between mobilizing, deliberation, and analysis. The discussion of ââ¬Ëwomen and warââ¬â¢ offer methodical and workable interventions into the Western-dominated discipline, while at the same time emphasizing the effort that can and has to be carried out to visualize and promote cross-cultural feminist unity. The topic ââ¬Ëwomen and warââ¬â¢ is a key representation of the ties between mobilizing, deliberation, and analysis and the actualization of feminist unity promoted by such topic. Drawing on diverse readings and documents, the discussion has introduced a general, compelling, critical analysis of global gendered militarism, emphasizing womenââ¬â¢s opposition to it. Furthermore, this
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advent Of The Printing Press
Advent Of The Printing Press The printing revolution and advent of the printing press is an event against which there is no other even approaching in importance in the history of mankind. Nowadays, even in the electronic age, it is hard to imagine a world without the printed word. However what the printing revolution and classic cases of revolution, such as Russia (1917) and France (1789), have in common is not as clear cut as the scale of its impact. This essay will seek to evaluate the revolutionary qualities of the printing revolution in the context of the Reformation and the rise of modern science. It will begin with a brief introduction to the features of the printing revolution. Following this will be a discussion based around the extant literature on the word revolution from which an adequate set of criteria will be derived. These criteria will subsequently be used as the benchmark against which the revolutionary characteristics of the printing revolution will be measured using the evidence presented. By taking a retrospective look at two major events in the aftermath of the printing revolution I hope to be able to determine the viability of calling the printing revolution a revolution with a degree of certainty. Subsequently I will consider the impact the printing revolution had on other revolutions, and whether it was a pre-requisite for revolutions in the future. The paper will close with an assessment of which of the features of revolution apply most to the printing revolution, followed by a brief discussion of criticisms of the concept as proposed by Eisenstein. The late fifteenth century in Europe saw a dramatic shift in the way texts were reproduced. Before the invention of the printing press there was a reliance on handwritten manuscript reproduction, a slow and incredibly time-consuming process. Man (2002) provides some idea of the times involved when he states that one 1,272 page document took two scribes five years to copy.Ã [2]Ã Like any human, a scribe was also susceptible to error and because texts were copied this meant that an errors were copied again and again. Gutenbergs invention of the printing press around 1440 would mark a turning point in the history of human civilisation. Although printing had existed before with wood-blocks, it was the ability to edit and correct a text in every copy which made Gutenbergs invention so important.Ã [3]Ã He also made it possible for a large number of uniform copies to be produced. The spread of this technology from Mainz to all corners of the continent came quickly and was motivated by profit, as rather than any attempt to spread culture widely. Printing presses were established in quick succession in Cologne (1464), Basel (1466), Rome (1467), Venice (1469), London (1480) and Stockholm (1483), the centres of international trade at the time.Ã [4]Ã Gutenberg laid the foundations of modern publicity..which is dependent on the identical mass-production of free combinable letter-units in almost infinite variety of composition.Ã [5]Ã The importance of his invention to human civilisation is unquestionable and it has had one of the longest lasting legacies of any. What remains up for debate, however, are the revolutionary qualities of the printing revolution. Any discussion of how revolutionary an event was requires a suitable definition of the word revolution. Constructing a definition is, however, a difficult task as the number of attempts at doing so shows; there is little consensus as to what revolution actually means. Despite this lack of agreement certain words are predominant in definitions, such as violent, brief and success.Ã [6]Ã A thorough debate over differing definitions is out of the scope of this essay, although a brief mention of some ideas is important to shape an answer to the question. Eisenstein highlights the issues around the use of the word revolution in the context of printing, and argues that there are actually two different uses of the word as an overarching concept. The first of these is what is broadly what will be discussed in this essay and what most historians use the term for; that is, a significant break from a long-standing condition. The second is a prolonged, irreversible, cumulative process with ef fects that become ever more pronounced the longer it goes on.Ã [7]Ã She cites the Industrial Revolution as an example of this more drawn-out sense of revolution. Both the conventional and the secondary definitions have their criteria fulfilled with the printing revolution. In the first instance, the speed of the change shows the revolutionary nature of the printing revolution. It wasnt so much that a new innovative machine was conceived in Mainz that is important; it is that it began to be used in so many places in a short space of time. By the 1490s each of the major states had one important publishing centre and some had several notes Hay. Correspondingly, Man says that by 1480, 122 towns in Western Europe had printing presses.Ã [8]Ã The speed and breadth of the spread of the technology, and specifically the replacement of hand-copying with printing as the chief mode of book reproduction, is enough for Eisenstein to consider the printing revolution a revolution in the sens e of the word that most historians use. The justification for the printing revolution being typical of the second use of the word is based on its longevity. The output of 500 years of printing along with millennia of hand-writing, and the expansion of knowledge, show the irreversibility and length of the process. Indeed, it is a process which has not yet reached an end. This raises another important point; can it be a revolution if the process has an unquantifiable end? It is safe to assume that the majority of people, when asked to define revolution, would include a notion of violence. Images of mass beheadings in France and street battles in Russia no doubt contribute to this. Friedrich (1966) defines revolution as the sudden and violent overthrow of an established political order.Ã [9]Ã This applies neatly to the classic cases but not so to the printing revolution, where the affected party was not a political entity but writing by hand. Similarly, although more extreme, Arendt (1965) states that war and revolution are related, going so far as to say revolutionsare not even conceivable outside the domain of violence.Ã [10]Ã Both these definitions and the use of the word violence are insufficient in trying to explain a non-political, technological revolution. Preferable would be to take the idea of violence and use the implicit idea of destruction,Ã [11]Ã such as the definition proposed by Trimberger (1978) where a takeover destroys the economic and political power of the dominant social group of the old regime. This also shows that a revolution has an element of replacement; a revolution is not just seeking to overthrow and destroy what is already there, it also substitutes old for new. The speed and depth of change caused by a revolution is also a recurring theme in definitions. Neumann (1949) defines revolution as a sweeping, fundamental changeindicating a major break in the continuity of development.Ã [12]Ã He also makes a significant distinction between revolution and evolution, where the former is such a radical separation and the latter is a persistent transformation within the existing institutional framework; the parallels with Eisenstein are clear. Revolutions can be seen as only accelerating and crystallising the evolutionary process. Similarly, Johari (1987) sees revolution as essentially meaning a sudden, fundamental and major transformation. Kroeber (1996) defines revolution as all demands, suggestions and attempts at radical change.Ã [13]Ã Once the revolutionary processes have begun parts of culture and society and different relationships between people may be fashioned anew. Revolutions signify drastic and fundamental change. The use of the wo rd radical also implies an element of speed to events. It is this velocity of change which separates revolution from other ideas of change such as reform and revolt.Ã [14]Ã The final overriding feature of definitions of revolution is that the process must be successful, and this success is where a movement overturns a regime.Ã [15]Ã All the definitions considered above imply that the revolution does end with the goals of the movement attained. This fact is evident through the historiography of rebellions and revolution; it is not chance that has named the failed uprising in Ireland in 1798 the Irish Rebellion but the action in the thirteen British colonies of America the American Revolution. For the printing revolution to be considered successful it will have to remain an established and useful medium of communication. The definition I will use in this essay will be a blend of the previously proposed definitions that have been discussed. Although most are designed to refer to political and social change they do have elements which can be transferred to non-political events. For the printing revolution to be called a revolution or revolutionary it must destroy and replace what was previously the norm, contain some sense of radical change and upheaval over a short space of time and prove useful and successful. These are the criteria against which the revolutionary properties of the printing revolution will be measured in the rest of this essay. The Reformation was one of the defining events of the early modern period in Europe. The role of the printing press is a hallmark of the process by which the old Catholic Church became ever more rejected and the Protestant Church was founded. Indeed it seems difficult to exaggerate the significance of the Press, without which a revolution of this magnitude could scarcely have been consummated.Ã [16]Ã A detailed enough discussion to do justice to the impact of the book on the Reformation is out of the scope of this essay; instead it will focus on Germany, the birthplace of the movement. The importance of the printing press for religious reform cannot be underestimated, as all of the attempts at reform prior to the invention and diffusion of the printing press were rather easily suppressed by the Church.Ã [17]Ã The most famous example of such attempts is that of Jan Hus in the early fifteenth century. After his martyrdom in 1415 a series of wars broke out and the Hussites formed a rival church in Bohemia, but their sphere of influence never really extended beyond this small area as they had no way to transport their ideas.Ã [18]Ã Away from the Continent in England there is a dissimilar story though. The Lollard movement had been avid readers and writers, and had sealed the relationship between heresy and books in the early fifteenth century before Gutenberg. Over 230 manuscripts of the Lollard Bible survive and evidence suggests large quantities of ephemera were also produced.Ã [19]Ã However, the ultimate failure of the movement suggests that this was not enough. Rubins argument that highly centralised institutions are able to easily suppress small revolts that are not able to spread due to a lack of information technology seems to be accurate. The printing press did destroy the use of manuscript in revolts as it was not able to be widely reproduced and distributed. The Reformation was the first movement to make full use of the printing press technology and it is no coincidence that it was the most successful of the period. The Reformation also saw a massive break from past ways of campaigns for change. For the first time in history a mass propaganda campaign could be carried out, and it was used to its full extent.Ã [20]Ã The Reformers saw how it made rapid dissemination of materials possible, and for this reason Luther saw the printing press as a gift from God who wanted to drive forward the cause of true religion to the ends of the earth and to make it available in all languages.Ã [21]Ã Luthers Theses against clerical abuses, which sparked the Reformation, had been seen in every part of Germany within 15 days of him posting them to the chapel door in Wittenberg.Ã [22]Ã The ability to spread information and ideas quickly was crucial to the Reformation. Once Luther had nailed his Theses to the door by a stroke of magic he found himself addressing the whole world and as such the start of the Protestant Revolt can be directly attributed to this act.Ã [23]Ã The speed at which pamphlets by Luther could be printed and sold was phenomenal; four thousand copies of An den Christlichen Adel deutscher Nation von des Christlichen Standes Besserung were sold in 5 days, and in total there were seventeen different editions of the work.Ã [24]Ã Similarly the pamphlet Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen underwent 18 editions in a single year.Ã [25]Ã The course of distribution of literature shows the revolutionary qualities of the printing revolution. Whereas previously the dissemination of new ideas would have been through word of mouth or by copying, the use of the printing press meant that the same material and thoughts could be spread uniformly and quickly during the Reformation. The sheer speed and volume of materials and the way they were used signified a radical change from what had gone before. The Reformation was the first real example of the power of printing and was the first propaganda campaign conducted through the medium of the press.Ã [26]Ã The usefulness and successfulness of printing in the Reformation is clearly demonstrated by the vast amount of editions of writings published. Rubins empirical study of the spread of the Reformation and the importance of pamphlets to it shows that cities which produced pamphlets were more likely to be Protestant than Catholic throughout the sixteenth century, although the effect did diminish over time.Ã [27]Ã Despite the obvious success of the printing press described, Luther and his contemporaries held reservations about the number of books being published. Hauser invites us to consider what might have been if, for example, the printing press had have been around for the Hussite Wars in the early 15th century.Ã [28]Ã Such counterfactual, what if questions are interesting but would place too much emphasis on the role of printing. It would be going too far to say that the Reformation was the child of the printing revolution; this ridiculous thesis is indeed just that.Ã [29]Ã It was not books, publishers and propagandists who caused the Reformation. Religion had become more and more of an issue in the preceding years, and was now at the forefront of peoples minds. Luthers grievances were quickly echoed by both laymen and clerics, which according to Rubin indicates there were deep-rooted anti-Papal sentiments before Luther.Ã [30]Ã Printing was simply the medium of exchange through which people learnt about these new ideas, it was not the new idea in itself. There is no question that the Reformation would not have had the success it did without the ability to disseminate information quickly and widely. Having considered the three key elements of a revolution discussed previously, it is clear that in the context of the Reformation the printing revolution can be justifiably called as such. The use of printing presses to create and widely distribute material marked a radical break from the previous ways to spread ideas. Both the speed and volume of production of books and pamphlets were on a scale unlike anything seen before and would certainly have been impossible without mechanised printing. The printing revolution and its impact upon the Reformation show its success; there is little doubt that without it the Reformation would have taken a different course. However, as Postman points out, it is questionable as to whether the Catholic Church would have fallen had the printing press been used exclusively for the reproduction of pictures, as is conceivable.Ã [31]Ã It was the use of the printed word which was the crucial factor in the Reformation, not simply the invention of the pri nting press itself. The Scientific Revolution changed the way humanity saw and studied the world around it forever. Until the early modern period scientific observers, for they were only that, simply read doctrine which had been published previously and took that as truth. The Renaissance changed this and more people began to ask scientific questions, and the use of printing served to galvanise the scientific community. It was in this time that the three cornerstones of classical intellect, Ptolemaic astronomy, Galenic anatomy and Aristotelian physics, met their downfall and were replaced by the science of Copernicus and Newton. The advent of printing allowed for faster copying of works compared to manuscript, of that there is no question. However it was not simply a case of one replacing the other; a lot of works remained in manuscript form for a large amount of time once printing technology had been developed. Mathematical works frequently were released in print yet the Triparty by Nicolas Chuquet, the most original work on algebra and arithmetic from the latter half of the 15th century, remained in manuscript.Ã [32]Ã Similary, De triangulis by Regiomontanus was not printed until 1533, nearly 60 years after his death.Ã [33]Ã The printing revolution did not have as great an impact on the production of manuscripts as might be thought. Given this, the printing revolution may not have been as revolutionary in science as the Reformation. Although there were a lot of works published in print it did not totally take the place of manuscript and as such cannot be considered truly revolutionary event. The printing revolution created a huge contrast between the medieval and early modern periods. A noteworthy example of this is raised by Eisenstein in the development of astronomy around the time of Copernicus. As a young student in the 1480s Copernicus would have struggled to get a single copy of Ptolemys Almagest, which at the time was the authoritative work on the cosmos. By the time he died in 1543 three different editions were available.Ã [34]Ã In a similar vein, in 1499 Aldus published a collection of the works of the ancient astronomers in five folios in Latin and Greek.Ã [35]Ã Publication of classical works made them accessible to a lot more students and scholars than previously. In turn, this meant that they could be analysed, scrutinised and updated. The same is true of journals and new discoveries; it was because of the printing press that the idea of peer review and experiment duplication became familiar. The spread of knowledge went beyond just books and journals , however. The invention of the telescope also shows the impact that printing had. Although the object was invented in the Netherlands with a patent granted in October 1608, Galileo in Italy had heard of it by November of the same year.Ã [36]Ã News of it was also widespread in other parts of the continent.Ã [37]Ã The publication of a French newsletter, The Embassy of the King of Siam Sent to His Excellency Maurice of Nassau, in the same month detailing the invention meant that the news was able to travel uniformly and quickly to other intellectuals in Germany, France and Italy. The next year telescopes were on sale in Paris.Ã [38]Ã The spread of knowledge, both academic and practical, shows the revolutionary qualities of the printing press. The success of the printing press in the context of the Scientific Revolution is clear. The ability to spread ideas and information widely and quickly allowed for an acceleration of scientific discovery and progress unlike anything that had been seen before. A study of Copernicuss De revolutionibus proves this point.Ã [39]Ã It is shown that a first edition in 1543 consisted of around 450 copies with a similar run in 1566, and that it got into the hands of the majority of astronomy professors in the sixteenth century, as well as into major libraries.Ã [40]Ã More interestingly, there are people from all walks of life who owned a copy; an architect, a musical theoretician and a financier are mentioned. Whereas previously the domain of science was amongst academics, now people had freer access to materials from which they could study. The acceleration of scientific discovery after the invention of the printing press also shows the success of printing. According to Ferguson, 38% o f the worlds most important scientific breakthroughs occurred between the Reformation and the French Revolution, including the heliocentric model of the Solar System and Galileos tests on gravity.Ã [41]Ã Scientific knowledge was spreading faster than it ever had, and a community of intellectual peers developed. The breadth and depth of distribution and development of knowledge would not have been possible without the printing press. However, in terms of what we nowadays called science, the printing revolution had only a limited amount of success. Although the printing press allowed books to be accessible to wider areas of the public, most people remained interested in softer subjects. This stimulated the development of a mass market for summaries, medical remedies, prognostications and astrological tables written in the vernacular.Ã [42]Ã There is no question that the printing press increased the volume of works being published. What is problematic is that the majority of works were of no lasting scientific interest.Ã [43]Ã The effect this had was to dilute the amount of quality material available and keep what we would call scientific and what was then considered scientific the same. The printing revolution was successful in that it made the dissemination of scientific information more widespread but the practises of the booksellers stunted this success. Their primary goal was to make money, and would p ublish what would sell; some have even gone as far as to say the printing revolution a negative role in the Scientific Revolution as the printing of outdated, medieval texts which sold may have delayed the acceptance of new ideas such as Copernicus.Ã [44]Ã By making conventional authoritative works widely available printingcould even have said to have represented an obstacle to the acceptance of new ideas.Ã [45]Ã Rather than progressing knowledge it popularised long cherished beliefs, strengthened prejudices and gave authority to seductive fallacies.Ã [46]Ã The main point remains though, that there was an increase in the volume of works published. Not only was the printing revolution revolutionary in its own right, the printed word became a vital part of revolutions throughout history. The French Revolution of 1789 is widely accepted as one of the classic cases of revolution and makes for a good example of the influence of print on revolutionary movements. Darnton argues that the printing press was crucial at every stage of the process, and without it the widespread restructuring of French life could not have not taken place. Without the press, they can conquer the Bastille but they cannot overthrow the Old Regime he says, and this is the key point.Ã [47]Ã The battle to change the minds of an entire nation could not be won without the spreading of books, almanacs, posters and anything else that would carry an impression. The same is also true of the non-classical cases of revolution, such as the Russian Revolution of 1905. In a similar vein to Darnton, Ruud argues that without the communications infrastructurein place in 1 905, the millions of copies of revolutionary books, periodicals, brochures and proclamations could never had made so compelling a political statement to the government.Ã [48]Ã The Russian example also shows the fear that incumbent regimes have of the power of print. The government continued to deploy censorship into the 20th century and in the same year as the uprising decided against reform of censorship.Ã [49]Ã Furthermore, it shows consciousness as to the power of print. Alexander Herzen, writing in 1861, formulated a new idea as to how to use print in a revolution; make the organisation produce a regular publication and make it central to the way they operate.Ã [50]Ã Lenin also realised the importance of the distribution of party publications as ideal for local agitation in What Is To Be Done?, his seminal 1902 pamphlet. Print allowed the spread of new and avant-garde ideas quickly and to a wide audience. That is not to say that revolutions happened because of printi ng; it is to say that printing sped up both the path to revolution and the revolution itself. The printing press did not create the underlying issues but it did create consciousness and awareness of these issues amongst a wider group than would otherwise have been possible. In the classical sense of the word, the printing revolution was not revolutionary. Neumann notes that the meaning of the word revolution has changed.Ã [51]Ã Whereas in the 19th century it almost exclusively applied to political change, it has become far more wide-reaching as an adjective. Nowadays it is transferable and applicable to other fields of study with an appropriate qualifying adjective such as industrial, managerial, colonial, cultural, scientific, technological etc.Ã [52]Ã Johari concludes his discussion of the nature of revolution by saying that a revolution seldom fulfils definitions of the word completely so it is not alone in that respect.Ã [53]Ã However given the criteria proposed in this paper, it is clear that the printing revolution does have revolutionary aspects. In the context of both the Reformation and the Scientific Revolution it has been shown that the printing revolution was indeed revolutionary. The printing press changed the way that religious reforms and movements happened in that although there were already manuscripts being produced, as shown by the Lollards, it was the ease of production and distribution which made the difference. The Reformation was the first event to make full employment of the propaganda potential of the printing press, and the spreading of Luthers Theses in such a short space of time across such a large area undoubtedly played a large part in the ultimate success of the movement. This also underlines the succes
Friday, October 25, 2019
Vertical Analysis of PepsiCo and Coca Cola Essay example -- Business A
All companies use financial documents to record and journalize their business transactions. These financial documents are not only used internally by company executives, but the financial documents are also used by outside sources to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a company. The purpose of this paper is to provide financial analysis of PepsiCo and Coca Cola, provide examples that explain which company is more financially sound, and to provide recommendations on how to improve each company financially. The first item that I will discuss is a vertical analysis of both companies. Vertical analysis is used to evaluate data and express the items of a financial statement as a percentage of a base amount listed. For the vertical analysis of PepsiCo and Coca Cola I looked at both the balance sheet and the income statements. The valuations that I took into consideration for this vertical analysis were the cost of goods sold as a percentage of net sales, net income as a percentage of net sales, current assets compared to total assets and the percentage change year to year, and the current liabilities compared to total liabilities and the percentage change from year to year. The cost of goods sold percentage shows how much is actually costs to produce and sell the items that a make company money. The net income as a percentage of sales shows how much money from the sale of an item is actually considered income that the company makes. The current assets compared to total assets shows how much of the assets a company has are actually available at a given time. Th e current liabilities compared to total liabilities shows how much of a companyââ¬â¢s liability lays in a current status for the year. PepsiCo 2004 2005 Percentage C... would add capital to the reserves and they would in turn be able to expand. With Coca Cola I would recommend increasing their assets. One way to increase their assets would be to decrease their payout ratio, in my opinion these two items go hand in hand. With an increase in assets the company would be able to expand and ultimately increase their profits as well. In conclusion, all companies use financial documents to record and journalize their business transactions. These financial documents are not only used internally by company executives, but the financial documents are also used by outside sources to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a company. The ability to read and understand financial statements and to perform a financial analysis is a great skill for all business professional, whether they are investors, creditors, or company executives.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Income and Wealth Equality Essay
Discuss whether the most effective way to have income and wealth equality is to tax income more progressively. Income is a stable flow of money, often a salary, which someone works for but this can also be made through interest on savings. This flow of money is often very unequal from person to person due to wage differentials, this then creates inequality. Wealth on the other hand is a stock of assets which have a market value, which may change over time e.g. houses or cars. These are often inherited but can be bought by someone through their income. Wealth and income often found together however someone who is wealthy doesnââ¬â¢t always have a large income. Their relationship with inequality is also very different with a lot more inequality found in wealth as a fifth of wealth is concentrated among the richest one per cent of households however there is still some in income. One way the government can stop this inequality is through a progressive taxation system that aims to tax the poorest people very little but make the money up by taxing the richer. This would work at several boundaries with someone income being taxed higher when it exceeds a certain limit. This then creates equality as the richer people have less money and the poorer have more from not paying tax and then the unemployed get benefits. This then reduces the budget deficit as the tax payers pay for people benefits, helping to reduce the class system. However one problem with this is that it may cause the highest earners to leave the country to avoid paying tax and companies moving their headquarters abroad where they will pay less tax. This happened in the 70s with the rolling stones but is also happening with corporations such Amazon and Costa and this something that may happen more if the richer are taxed too much. This is also taking money out of the economy as they spend their money abroad, out of the flow of income in the UK. Another problem with this system is that it creates ââ¬Ëthe poverty trapââ¬â¢. A type of government failure, this is when there is no incentive for people to get off benefits as they wonââ¬â¢t make any more money. To stop this there may need to be a re-evaluation of the system as the replacement ratio is too high. This can also create poor attitudes, with generations of people not working. This is also found in the work place with some people refusing pay rises as they will have to pay more money in tax as they go through a tax boundary. However more recently this has happened with child benefits as these are being reduced depending on how much someone earns another reason why someone would refuse a pay rise. Wealth is often harder to tax however it is often caused by income so the tax system previously described may be used to reduce wealth and thus stopping inequality. This system can also be found in wealth though, with inheritance tax being used progressively. For example any money above 325,000 is taxed at 40%. This then creates a source of revenue for the government but also stops people inheriting huge sums of money, stopping inequality. However this system has its flaws as the tax has to be paid first, it could also be argued as unfair as someone who works for their money is entitled to leave it to who they want, especially as it was already taxed when it was earned. This system has also caused many pensioners to move abroad where what they leave is taxed less. The money inherited is also often used by entrepreneurs to fund businesses so the system may also reduce the possibility for future in income tax. This systems also sonly raises à £2.9bn a year, a mere 0.18% of GDP, which sometimes ends up being spent on court cases as people argue against the system. One alternative system for reducing inequality is by providing incentives for people to get into work. This could be done by changing the minimum wage as it would reduce the replacement ratio. This can also be achieved by reducing the unemployment benefits or making them harder to get. Reducing benefits would also lower the budget deficit as the government can save money. However this could be hard on people who genuinely canââ¬â¢t work due to long term illness or disability. Another way of increasing the work force is by increasing spending on training of workers but also in the education system. This will create better skilled and qualified workers, allowing them to make more money and giving them more job opportunities. This type of supply side policy can be expensive but there should be future benefits as their will be more money made from income tax. They would also create job opportunities for teachers or other people to teach skills. Other examples of this include apprenticeships and part time work schemes that together should create a job for everyone, reducing the tax bill. However they wonââ¬â¢t work for everyone as there is always someone who will be left behind and It may also be hard to change the mind set of people who are used to not working. These types of policies would also all stop inequality as the poorer people would have employment opportunities giving them a higher source of income. However there are very little alternatives to redistribute wealth as it is impossible to give people items of value as those who are in poverty often donââ¬â¢t even have a house. The government may be able to provide schemes for people to work for their homes and other areas of wealth. It is also hard for them to find things of wealth at an affordable rate especially as it is normally found through work done by relatives. This is why it is unlikely to be done as it wouldnââ¬â¢t be very sustainable and effective however in theory the re distribution of wealth could be done. In conclusion the progressive tax system has its benefits as it provides a simple way of reducing inequality by taxing the rich and giving the poor money, bringing them closer financially. However in my opinion the system is the easy solution with short term benefits rather than long term gains that might happen through providing incentives rather than disincentives for people. However the problem with wealth is greater as it canââ¬â¢t be easily moved but through redistributing income wealth will consequently be redistributed as ultimately income is the main cause of wealth.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Causes and Effects of the English Language Essay
In America, English is the national language. However, with many different cultures and ways of life, everyone doesnââ¬â¢t speak the same English. In the north, people tend to speak clearly and to some this is correct. In the south, people tend to tie their words together and to some this is incorrect. Ultimately, the question is, is what is good language what is bad and what causes the two. In Orewellââ¬â¢s piece, he criticizes the English language starting from the teachers who teach us on to the authors who entertain us. He emphasizes how bad language begins with those to people and their bad habits. He also stresses that if we ââ¬Å"remain strong in this fight against bad Englishâ⬠then we will soon overcome the bad habits and whatnot. Orewell talks about dying metaphors and usage of words that arenââ¬â¢t in layman term. He suggests that when authors use common metaphors and uncommon scientific words, they are writing incorrectly. Consequently, readers and other writers are reading, writing, and learning incorrectly. In my opinion, Orewellââ¬â¢s essay was not efficient in any way. He was nothing short of a hypocrite doing what they do best. He speaks of creative writing and original methapors, but he uses neither. He speaks of using cumbersome words that nobody relates to, yet the majority of his essay was written as if he spoke old English. He doesnââ¬â¢t follow any of the rules that he strongly suggests will bring us out of this fight of bad English. Heââ¬â¢s setting no example for the so-called unrightfully successful authors and novice writers. The English language has many different meanings, expressions, causes and effects. So many, that there can no be one specific person determining which are the most perfect. As stated before different regions of the U.S. determine how those people talk, so unconsciously people read and write the way they speak. Many authors use metaphors to allow the audience to better relate to the message their relaying. Many authors use scientific and uncommon words to help broaden their readers vocabulary and to expose them to more than they knew before reading their piece. These critical readersà pick up dictionaries and thesauruses and begin to further explore the language theyââ¬â¢re so familiar with. Orewell is neither the most qualified nor perfect person to suggest how authors should write. After all, no on is criticizing his piece and how it negatively drew the audience in. If he is criticizing the way English is taught then heââ¬â¢s ultimately criticizing the way people interpret. Many people are doing just fine without Orewellââ¬â¢s negative views of the English language.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Cold Mountain Essays - Literature, Fiction, Cold Mountain, Films
Cold Mountain Essays - Literature, Fiction, Cold Mountain, Films Cold Mountain The setting for Cold Mountain is in the state of North Carolina during the Civil War time period. Most of the key events happen in Cold Mountain. Inman tries to go back to Cold Mountain because Ada's home is near Cold Mountain. When he reaches Cold Mountain he can go to Ada's home. The plot of Cold Mountain is to reunite Inman and Ada. Inman deserts the Confederate army a few years after the start of the war, and he tries to go back to Cold Mountain where he can find Ada's home. On his way to Cold Mountain Inman faces many challenges. Some of the challenges he faces are: 1. He has to hide from the home guard so they can't capture him and take him back 2. He has to hide from federal raiders so he won't get killed on his way back 3. He has to find food and shelter everyday The challenges stated above are just some of the challenges he faces, he faces many more challenges that I have not mentioned above. Also on the way to Cold Mountain Inman meets many different people. Some of these people help Inman and others just endanger his life. Ada Visible moisture- light haze, dense valley fogs, tatters of cloud hanging like rags on the shoulders of Cold Mountain (pg35). The third major difference is found the way they feel about small town life. Ada comes form city life. She lived in Charleston before moving to the country there for she had a view of the country that was not in the positive side (pg53). In the other hand Inman sees the country as his home. A place were every body is kind and peaceful. He is deeply attach to his small town life. But not everything where differences between the characters of Ada and Inman. There were also some similarities between them. The first similarity is found in their believe of the supernatural. Their characters both see superstition as a last resort for hope. Ada sees a man coming to town in a reflection in a well (pg49), this image she believe is the image of the person thats going to solve her problems. Inmans supernatural believe is the hope that Cold Mountain is a magical place were he can be reborn (pg23). They also agree in the thought that they need some one to help them continue their life. they need companion ship and some to express their feelings and believe to. One of the major points of the novel is the believe that nature is a the perfect shelter to protect them self from harm (pg66). In Adas case from the harm of public opinion, and in Inmans case from the
Monday, October 21, 2019
Definition of Japanese Hontou, or Really
Definition of Japanese Hontou, or Really Those of us for whom English is our first language might not realize how much we use the word really in everyday conversations. Often, someone will tell us a startling fact or make a somewhat surprising statement and the natural response is, Really? There are many ways to say the word really for speakers of Japanese. One of the most common ways isà hontou. Writing and Saying Hontou Japanese Characters: æÅ" ¬Ã¥ ½âãâ¬â (㠻ãââ㠨ã â ãâ¬â)Pronunciation of Hontou. Other Ways to Say Really? hontou ni: Really, however, there is a stronger emphasis on the ni so it tends to be a stronger version of the word in verbal and written form. Examples of really in a Japanese formal conversation are: Hontou ni hajimete desu ka? (Is it really your first time?); Hontou ni yoku nite iru! (Sheââ¬â¢s really like you!); Hontou ni sono saabisu wa tadadesuka? (So is your service really free?).hontou desu ka: Are you sure? can be used inà place of hontou in formal situations.à Hontou desu ka allows you to express more doubt when saying really? in Japanese.sou desu ka: Is that so? or Are you sure?hontoudesu: It is true, or It is a fact.honki: Really. Hon means true, and ki means spirit or state of being. Example: Honki desu ka? (Are you serious?) Resources and Further Reading ââ¬Å"Hontou?â⬠Nihongo De Care-Navi, Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, 2019.ââ¬Å"Question to Teacher: HONTOU versus HONTOUNI.â⬠Japanese From Zero, Yes Japan, 17 July 2009.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
7 Interview Questions That Will Make You Stand Out
7 Interview Questions That Will Make You Stand Out So after submitting hundreds of resumes to various job boards, you finally got an interview scheduled. You are doing your research on the company and the position, learning everything about the interviewers, and rehearsing your answers to potential interview questions. Donââ¬â¢t forget to prepare some questions for the interviewers. A huge turn off for interviewers is when the candidate doesnââ¬â¢t ask any question. Donââ¬â¢t worry, here are 7 questions that will make you stand outà and land you the job.ââ¬Å"What is the top priority for the person in this position over the next three months?â⬠When you ask this question, you are showing initiative and preparing for success right away. This is also a strong opening question that will normally make a great impression because it catches an interviewer off guard.ââ¬Å"What is the single largest problem facing your team right now and would I be in a position to solve it?â⬠This question might seem a little quirky at first but it encourages the interviewer to envision you already working in the job. It also set you up as someone whom can be counted on.ââ¬Å"Does the company offer additional training or continuing education?â⬠When you ask this question, you are showing that you are interested in expanding your knowledge and grow with the company.ââ¬Å"Can you walk me through a typical day at (company name)?â⬠This question shows that you are already planning your first day on the job. It also shows that you want to learn as much about the job as possible, which usually separate you from other candidates.ââ¬Å"What would make someone successful in this position?â⬠Some might think this as being an ââ¬Å"over achieverâ⬠, but ità shows that you are willing to raise the bar and exceed expectations. You are ready to succeed on this job.ââ¬Å"Where do you see the company heading in the next 5 ââ¬â 10 years?â⬠Remember the interview question when you are asked, ââ¬Å"wh ere do you see yourself in the next x years?â⬠You are asking the same question about the company, it shows that you are looking for a long term career with the company.ââ¬Å"What is the next step in the hiring process?â⬠Always ask this question even if you know the process already. It shows your eagerness to prepare and itââ¬â¢s the best way to finish the interview.Remember, always have confidence in yourself and put forth your best possible effort. Good luck.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marketing Management class discussion wk3 Assignment
Marketing Management class discussion wk3 - Assignment Example It is possible to keep customers who want the company to that want a company to go against its policies in favor of their requests. Instilling loyalty on a brand on a brand is possible. Loyalty results from the excellent services a company offers to its customers (Lindstrom, 2011). It is what the company offers exceptionally that makes clients prefer is brand and must not come from pricing. Each company has a group of clients who would always want to take advantage of policies on return of goods. It is unhealthy for a company to block such clients this may dent the company image. Though it is unhealthy for a company to keep such client, it is vital that to develop a strategy in dealing with those clients (Lindstrom, 2011). The strategy should be such that both the company and the client stand to benefit. The best way is adopting a proper customer relationship management style where the client completely and appreciates the company
Friday, October 18, 2019
Linked -- The New Science of Networks by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Essay
Linked -- The New Science of Networks by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi - Essay Example The nodes are identified using links that allow us to move from one web page to another with every click. Web pages act as switches that keep the society up to date with current information. Barabasi and his research team realized that in the World Wide Web exist connector nodes, which somehow assemble many more links than other nodes. These connector nodes are often referred as hubs and have a wider range of connection links. Barabasi and his coworkers realized that the structure of World Wide Web is composed of highly interlinked hubs. The topology of the Internet restricts its usersââ¬â¢ ability to see everything out there. The World Wide Web contains a number of small scale structures that limit the level to which it can be explored. The internet comprises both hardware and software, and other sub-systems. All these work together with the World Wide Web, establishing a connection that makes it possible to share information. People in this diverse system are by no means insigni ficant. It is because of the genius minds of many scientists that the web exists today. Millions of people work to maintain and monitor components of the system round the clock. DNS server, giant routers and switches, protocols, web browsers are just some of the vital components and elements of the World Wide Web. Terrorist Network The tragic terrorism events of September 11, 2001, caught peopleââ¬â¢s attention worldwide. Barabasi describes terrorist groups as webs without spiders. A network of terrorists is often small and has few resources; it tends to rely on other means such as the hit-and-run acts of violence. Al-Qaeda, the terrorist network held accountable for many terrorist attacks, was created over a long period. Driven by religious thinking and intolerance to the social and political system, many were attracted to the radical organization over the years. The network extended bit by bit to become a large web without a spider. Al-Qaeda is so well spread and self-sustainin g that even removing Osama bin Laden might not eliminate the danger they create. The terrorist network has become a diverse network that constantly changes its system as per its current plans. It has many secretive nodes that are hard to trace; it is quite challenging to identify the people who comprise its various nodes. Terrorist networks have objectives and links to social networks, which qualifies them to be called systems. Hollywood and Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon network Barabasi describes hubs as connectors in scale free networks. The Bacon factor is a popular bit of entertainment trivia, which demonstrates how any Hollywood star can link to actor Kevin Bacon and other actors within six ââ¬Å"movesâ⬠between people. This network consists of nodes, actors, producers, animators, writers and other related groups. A link is created every time a new video is produced. The Hollywood network thus offers a clear demonstration of a web, with different hubs and nodes, mostly repre sented by human beings, and links represented by the human relationships. Can we say that human beings are components in some way and that they satisfy a stated idea? The principle of the Hollywood network is to produce films. The public continuously demands new films from Hollywood. However, this seldom happens because the characters rarely act together in all movies. Many work independently minding their own business without affecting other movie productions. The Hollywood ne
Walt Disney and Customer Relationship Marketing Research Paper
Walt Disney and Customer Relationship Marketing - Research Paper Example The theme parks are one of the most preferred attractions with every park exhibiting different appeal and feeling. The Magic Kingdom is based on the structure of Cinderella Castle, Epcot exhibits the structure of Spaceship Earth, Disneyââ¬â¢s Hollywood Studio is based on the structure of the Sorcererââ¬â¢s Hat and the Disney Animal Kingdom looks like the Tree of Life. It can be assumed that with different structure and appeal, Disney has been successful in attracting different customers and can be considered as a good strategy (Koenig, David (2007). However, with things settling down, same attracting structures need to add value in terms of keeping the feeling of being attracted alive. The discussion aims at highlighting the customer relationship management practices of Disney along with developing and designing new practices to address key issues like sliding attendance figures of employees and decreasing revenues along with customerââ¬â¢s shift of attention towards other recreational activities in the absence of innovative CRM practices. Customer relationship management is considered one of the most important management tools enhancing business prospects by earning the loyalty and trust of customers for a long period of time. The study is based on the customer relationship management practices of Disney that offered great presence, reach and acceptance in the past. However, with the change in the social and demographic factors embedded with customer preferences; Disney is facing new challenges in the form of customer turnoffs, less customer attendance and decline in the interest and urges to visit the park. The customer relationship management of the organization has been quite commendable considering the high pressure in the service industry. It included the balanced mixture of technology interfaces and human interfaces but issues were not addressed and answered creating a need for another CRM practices or program with better prospects and feasibility.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Violent Media Is Good for Kids by Gerard Jones p. 195 , book current Essay
Violent Media Is Good for Kids by Gerard Jones p. 195 , book current issue - Essay Example cular kids through inductive reasoning that is based on anecdotal evidence, ethos and effective emotional appeals for kidsââ¬â¢ personal needs and issues, although he commits the fallacy of hasty generalisation by using a biased sampling. Jones has ethos because he has credibility due to being one of these kids who used violence and gained positive results, he uses a sensitive tone for kids who experienced violence in their lives, and he has conducted a study on kids who benefited from using violent media. First, Jones has ethos because he is one of these kids who did not become violent because of violent media. He enjoyed the Incredible Hulk, because he can identify with him as someone who is ââ¬Å"raging against a frightened world that misunderstood and persecuted himâ⬠(Jones para.4), and later on, he adds that he has become a comics writer and movie scriptwriter (Jones para.5). By sharing his personal story, Jones establishes that he has first-hand knowledge of what it means to be afraid and anxious and using a violent character to identify with and to become stronger because of this identification. Second, Jones uses language that is sensitive to the situations of children who have experienced violence and used violent media to help them handle their traumatic experiences. For example, when he gives the case of a girl who is ââ¬Å"exploding with fantasies so violentâ⬠(para.13), he does not use negative words to make this girl look weird or bad. Jones shows empathy to the girl because he knows what she needs someone to help her deal with her violent thoughts and actions. Third, Jones is a reliable source for his argument because he conducted a study on kids and learned the benefits of violent media from them. He helped psychologist Melanie Moore create ââ¬Å"Power Play,â⬠a program who helped kids use heroic stories to enhance their self-knowledge and to feel emotionally stronger (para.10). The program helped many kids use ââ¬Å"creative violenceâ⬠as a tool for
Business Process Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Business Process Management - Essay Example success of the ERP software implementation procedure, while the details of Hershey Company have communicated the reason behind the failure of the ERP system. The discussion has further communicated the major problems faced by organisations during the application of the system. It has also suggested a number of solutions to avoid these discrepancies. The system is developing its services by collaborating with various updated technologies such as mobile applications and cloud computing. It has also been illustrated that organisations are using different tactics to reduce the expenses regarding malfunctioning of the ERP system. The final outcome of this discussion has suggested that the ERP system is gathering great acceptance from different organisations industry sectors. It has also suggested that the technology is developing rapidly to accrue a huge market share worldwide. The study is based on the discussion about various aspects of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This discussion will mainly focus on the importance of the usage of ERP system in different businesses. Two organisational case studies will be illustrated to analyse various implementation procedure of ERP system in business operations. The case study of Cadbury and Hersheyââ¬â¢s company will demonstrate the success and failure of the ERP system implementation procedure in the organisational operations. A list of problems regarding the usage of the system in business process will be discussed. The study will also offer some solutions to the problem of ERP implementation. A number of recent technological developments of the ERP system will be illustrated in the report. These developments will enable business operations cope up with the ever changing market structure. Finally, recommendation will be made regarding the major vendors of ERP software and current level of usage of the system. ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning system is considered as business process management software which
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Building on prior success Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Building on prior success - Assignment Example This version comes with a secure socket tunneling protocol from Microsoft, which would work efficiently with other supporting security protocols in providing secure connections. This tunnel provides a mechanism for safely transporting encryptions through almost all proxy servers and firewall. Incorporation of new servers into the system would include numerous activities of upgrading the current system, and ensuring compatibility with the operating system. Extra servers remain fundamental in increasing the available storage space within the company network system. Installation of extra servers would follow centralization of the servers; hence ensuring information retrieval from a central location. The companyââ¬â¢s head-office could potentially serve as the central location for new servers. This would essentially enable regional officesââ¬â¢ users to access information from company, servers through the internet. Similarly, remote employees would also access required files contained in central servers from different locations. Central server installation remains fundamental in enhancing information security as information could be protected from a single source (Hallberg, 2009). Confidentiality of the information could become immensely enhanced through sender authent ication at the central server, enabling secure information movement. The best way for employees to remotely access Ocper Inc. network would be through utilizing mobile virtual private network. Mobile VPN setting functions efficiently in situations where the endpoint VPN contains multiple access points. The mobile network can also be accessed using cellular devices carrying data between several Wi-Fi access points. These individuals could utilize modern I-phones, with capability to access VPN connections, as the network connection enables seamless roaming between networks through utilizing wireless connections. The advantage of utilizing
Business Process Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Business Process Management - Essay Example success of the ERP software implementation procedure, while the details of Hershey Company have communicated the reason behind the failure of the ERP system. The discussion has further communicated the major problems faced by organisations during the application of the system. It has also suggested a number of solutions to avoid these discrepancies. The system is developing its services by collaborating with various updated technologies such as mobile applications and cloud computing. It has also been illustrated that organisations are using different tactics to reduce the expenses regarding malfunctioning of the ERP system. The final outcome of this discussion has suggested that the ERP system is gathering great acceptance from different organisations industry sectors. It has also suggested that the technology is developing rapidly to accrue a huge market share worldwide. The study is based on the discussion about various aspects of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This discussion will mainly focus on the importance of the usage of ERP system in different businesses. Two organisational case studies will be illustrated to analyse various implementation procedure of ERP system in business operations. The case study of Cadbury and Hersheyââ¬â¢s company will demonstrate the success and failure of the ERP system implementation procedure in the organisational operations. A list of problems regarding the usage of the system in business process will be discussed. The study will also offer some solutions to the problem of ERP implementation. A number of recent technological developments of the ERP system will be illustrated in the report. These developments will enable business operations cope up with the ever changing market structure. Finally, recommendation will be made regarding the major vendors of ERP software and current level of usage of the system. ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning system is considered as business process management software which
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Good and Evil of Internet Essay Example for Free
Good and Evil of Internet Essay The onset of computers on the general population has given a boost to the Economy in the worlds market. People who werent much aware of the world became drawn to computers, which in turn brought about the Internet, connecting the world all over. The Internet has played a major role in the lives of people all over the world. Now, it is not limited to just important organizations or governments. Everyone who owns a computer is logged on to the Internet; and this has made the world seem smaller. No one has to wait for the postman to deliver the mail, but instead one can just connect to the Internet and right away, you got mail. The Internet has been a boon, yet there are its darker aspects, which has caused much harm. The world is now so dependent on the Internet that it seems unthinkable of living without it. The computer industry got a boost when the people discovered that the world was progressing in leaps and bounds, and should any country be left out would be considered a backward country. Developing countries caught on to the progress. Learning about computers in school was made compulsory. To enhance the knowledge, everyone, young and old had to learn about computers and that was the first step. From computers to the Internet is but just a step ahead. Families who have migrated to different parts of the world have the link of Internet to connect to their relatives and friends, in the fastest and cheapest way. Internet has brought families, friends and businesses closer than they actually are. Communications via the Internet is so fast and cheap that there is no hold to its progress. The Internet brought about a lot of developments around the world, which otherwise would have taken much longer. Employers could buy the best talent around the world at a cheaper price than they would have to pay for hiring local workers. The young and aspiring workers left their homes and found better employment abroad, by searching for jobs on the Internet. Businesses flourished, as they could be in touch with whom they were dealing with, fast and quick on the Internet. The Internet brought prosperity all around and every small and big business caught on to the fear of being left behind. Big and small schools opened up for teaching computers and the Internet. Cyber cafes flourished to the assistance of those who did not possess a computer. Various Internet service providers propped up offering a variety of discounts and benefits for Internet services. Industries prospered, employees and employers also prospered, and to say the least there is just no stopping to the growth of the Internet. Information is at your fingertips, there is no need for the newspaper; all you need to do is switch on the computer and go to the web page to read the news. The Internet certainly is responsible for the development of the world, but it also has its negativity, which has brought about considerable disruptions and problems in its wake. Bad characters had limitations before, but now with the Internet, their limitations have gained a spot over. Countries know the secrets of each other and are always trying to harm one another in some way. Recent September eleven attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, in which thousands perished and landmarks reduced to rubble, are living proofs of what the Internet is capable of. Hacking, junk mail, obscene mail, porn mail and viruses are all done via the Internet. There is much damage done via the Internet to the minds of young adolescent children and these are just a few examples. The world is full of good and bad people, and having the Internet at your fingertips leaves something to your imagination of where the world is progressing today. The discovery of Internet is definitely a boon to the world and the development and betterment it has done for countries and people throughout the world. The progress that the world has made is beyond imagination, thanks to the Internet. The Internet has its advantages and disadvantages too. Those who want the betterment of the world spread enlightment and those that are bad create trouble and Internet is just the media through which they have access to the minds of people fast and results are equally fast and damaging. Now it is the responsibility of each and every family, parents, teachers, and the well wisher of the world to educate their young impressionable children, to differentiate between the good and evil. We hope this awareness should eliminate the negative aspect of the Internet.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Media Influence and Ingrained Prejudice
Media Influence and Ingrained Prejudice Jeremy A. Dietz The origins of prejudice vary greatly from one culture to another. Some cultures appear to have prejudice ingrained into them over long periods of time, while other forms of prejudice occur much more rapidly. Regardless of the length of time that a prejudice has existed, the media can contribute to perpetuating and strengthening an ingrained prejudice through its multiple outlets. While the origins of prejudice differ, medium such as television, the internet, newspapers, and magazines can have a very strong influence on an already existing prejudice or even help to solidify a newly developed prejudice belief. Origins of Prejudice There are many proposed theories on the origins of various prejudice beliefs and behaviors. One theory is that prejudice actually has a genetic and evolutionary basis. Another possible origin of prejudice is based on societal interactions and laws created by those in authority (Baron Branscombe, 2012). Yet another theory is that prejudice goes hand in hand with racism and is accelerated by certain events or acts which may be deemed as a threat are performed by people sharing a particular ethnicity, religion, physical characteristics, or otherwise common characteristic (Baron Branscombe, 2012). Prejudice when described as having an evolutionary and genetic background is often explained by the process of natural selection. This theory suggests that the brain patterns of early humans were actually wired to establish a type of prejudice against those of differing physical characteristics (Utsey, Ponterotto, Porter, 2008). During the early days of human development, limited resources often caused much competition between various clans or tribes. The tendency of humans then was to give members of their own clan a priority for survival and viewed others as possible threats. One such idea is the resource retention rule theory, which suggests that prejudice views were formed especially during periods of scarce resources (Utsey, Ponterotto, Porter, 2008). During these periods, groups of humans would try to stockpile resources for their own family or tribe which most often tended to be other people with like physical characteristics. Outsiders were avoided or viewed as less worthy of the various resources (Utsey, Ponterotto, Porter, 2008). Another similar type of theory based on genetic evolution is called the theory of inclusive fitness (Fishbein, 2003). This theory states that people who are in the same family group will show preferential treatment toward their family and sometimes show hostility towards people from other groups (Fishbein, 2003). When viewing how prejudice is passed down from one generation to the next, some theories suggest that those in authority are primarily responsible for perpetuating a particular prejudice belief (Fishbein, 2003). This is accomplished by a younger generation being taught by their elders certain prejudice beliefs about those of other groups. The younger generation is expected to accept these views as complete truth and in turn pass it on to their children. It has been suggested that this method is the main source of perpetuating prejudice beliefs throughout human evolution (Fishbein, 2003). These beliefs many times are also perpetuated in modern media. Effects of the Media on Prejudice Today In modern society the media has many outlets available to communicate and influence the thoughts and perceptions of a wide range of people regardless of culture and age. Primary forms of media include radio, printed material such as magazines and newspapers, television, and now the internet with its multi-facets of communication reach nearly every corner of the earth. For example, talk radio programs have been around for many decades and are broadcast in almost every country around the globe. These outlets can have a powerful effect on prejudice thoughts of their viewers. One example of prejudice in the media occurred during Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath of flooding that occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana. During this terrible natural disaster, African-American citizens of New Orleans were often depicted in a negative light by the mainstream media. Many such citizens were reported as being involved in activities such as plundering and anarchy, however most of these claims were showed to be untrue afterwards (Sonnett, Johnson, Dolan, 2015). During the flooding two photographs also appeared in the mainstream media which were widely distributed and showed further prejudice by their captions. One photo was of a younger caucasian couple out finding bread and soda while wading through chest-deep water, while a very similar photo of a youthful black man also in chest-deep floodwater carrying food was labeled as looting (Sonnett, Johnson, Dolan, 2015). In some modern films there seems to be a movement of sorts to portray prejudice as a behavior that everyone exhibits, regardless of race or background. According to Nishi, Matias, and Montoya (2015), the 2004 film Crash is an example of such a perspective (Haggis Cheadle, Crash). The film has several scenes depicting prejudice behavior. One scene shows a black woman being assaulted by a police officer who is white. However in another scene shortly following, an African-American man is himself exhibiting prejudice behavior against his partner. Research by Nishi et al. (2015) suggests that this is a type of colorblindness which in reality is not accurate either historically or in modern times. It has been proposed that this perspective is actually meant to excuse the prejudice behavior shown by white people, as people of minority backgrounds are also showing similar ingrained prejudice behavior (Nishi et al. 2015). Another avenue of the media that has the power to project prejudice behavior is that of advertising, especially in television. Commercials on television have great influence on prejudice, not only by what products are being advertised, but more importantly on who the advertisements depict. According to the research performed by Howell (2012), African Americans are often portrayed in commercials, but there is a clear trend towards depicting lighter skinned African American females in television advertisements. In fact, in commercials which feature an African American couple, there is an approximate five to one ratio where the male is darker skinned than the female (Howell, 2012). This obvious trend would appear to suggest a prejudice in the media against dark skinned females. Conclusion It is clear to see that while the origins of prejudice can be varied, the media has the ability to influence nearly any type of prejudice that may exist. Through its many facets, the media reaches nearly every culture on earth in some form or another. Regardless of whether a prejudice is based on what might be a genetic or evolutionary trait, societal disposition, or racial bias, the media has the power to help perpetuate or tear down these ingrained prejudice behaviors. Sadly, there are many examples of the media contributing to these deplorable behaviors, but hopefully time will prove that the influence of the media will be used to help dissolve ingrained prejudice. References Baron, Robert A. Branscombe, Nyla R. (2012), The Causes, Effects, and Cures of Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination. Social Psychology. (13th edition, pp. 176-213). Boston, MA: Pearson. Fishbein, H. D. (2003). The Genetic/Evolutionary Basis of Prejudice and Hatred. Journal Of Hate Studies, 3(1), 113-119. Haggis, P. (Director), Cheadle, D. (Producer). (2004). Crash [Motion picture]. USA: Lions Gate Films. Howell, L. D. (2012). TV Ads in Black And Light. USA Today Magazine, 141(2810), 58-60. Nishi, N. W., Matias, C. E., Montoya, R. (2015). Exposing the white avatar: projections, justifications, and the ever-evolving American racism. Social Identities, 21(5), 459-473. doi:10.1080/13504630.2015.1093470 Sonnett, J., Johnson, K. A., Dolan, M. K. (2015). Priming Implicit Racism in Television News: Visual and Verbal Limitations on Diversity. Sociological Forum, 30(2), 328-347. doi:10.1111/socf.12165 Utsey, S. O., Ponterotto, J. G., Porter, J. S. (2008). Prejudice and Racism, Year 2008-Still Going Strong: Research on Reducing Prejudice With Recommended Methodological Advances. Journal of Counseling Development, 86(3), 339-347. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6678.2008.tb00518.x
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Attributes of Typical Heisman Trophy Winners Essay -- College Football
HEISMAN DILEMMA The Heisman Trophy: symbol of unquestionable superiority among fellow NCAA division 1-A athletes . . . or is it? This unique honor is awarded to the player who the Heisman panel believes is the ââ¬Å"bestâ⬠player in 1-A. The award can be given to a player of ââ¬Å"any position,â⬠or so the Heisman committee says. There has never been a Heisman candidate who hasnââ¬â¢t been a quarterback, running back, or multi-purpose skill player (for example: someone who plays wide receiver, defensive back, and is a situational running back). Does the Heisman Trophy really determine who the best player (and therefore best NFL prospect) is? I can prove who will win the Heisman this year, but should that person be the Heisman winner? Kirk Herbstreit is currently ESPNââ¬â¢s leading college football journalist, and I consider him the undeniable authority on all matters associated with college football. He created his own Website, Heisman Pundit. This Website contains ââ¬Å"The 10 Heismandments,â⬠which I think accurately capture the unofficial qualifications that the Heisman panel uses to choose the winner. It is my personal belief that the Heismandments are bogus, but if you look through the history of Heisman winners, they really do comply with most (if not all) of the qualifications. The ââ¬Å"Ten Heismandmentsâ⬠are as follows: 1. The winner must be a quarterback, running back, or multi-threat athlete. 2. The winner must be a Junior or a Senior. 3. The winner must put up good numbers in big games on TV. 4. The winner must have some prior recognition. 5. The Winner must be one of the following three: a. a top player on a national title contender team; b. a player who puts up good numbers for a traditional power that has a good r... ... for money; they donââ¬â¢t have their own clothing lines; hell, they arenââ¬â¢t even allowed to do endorsements. They play for the love of the game, for a national title, for a Heisman Trophy, and to get noticed by NFL coaches. Letââ¬â¢s face it. Every football-loving fan in America is going to watch all of the top 5 bowls, regardless of who plays them. To take away from the purity and justice of college football to make a few pennies is an atrocity. Letââ¬â¢s just hope that NCAA officials can realize what theyââ¬â¢re doing, and stop before itââ¬â¢s too late. Works Cited Burns, Marty. ââ¬Å"Leinart, Trojans Having a Good Time.â⬠Sports Illustrated. November 2005. Cincinnati Bengalsââ¬â¢ Website. 2005. Heisman Website. 2005. Herbstreit, Kirk. Heisman Pundit. 7 November. 2005. Pasquarelli, Len. ESPN Magazine. November 2005.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
College Binge Drinking: Not All Just Fun and Games Essay -- Essays Pap
College Binge Drinking: Not All Just Fun and Games For those who go out and drink in college, it is all about the good times, right? What everyone does not think about is the potential danger that drinking can cause, especially to the astonishing amount of college students who drink heavily on a regular basis. Alcohol abuse is the leading cause of death among teens and young adults, and according to many professionals, the high rate of binge-drinking and its effects on college students and the school or university is the top social issue on campuses. Despite all the attention given to this issue, especially in the past few years, no noticeable improvement has been seen. Drinking has even been called a ââ¬Å"college pastime;â⬠however, there is often a high price to pay for those who claim that they just want to have a good time, especially when it comes to the drinking that goes on at college campuses. Many first-time college goers need to realize that certain people have a higher tendency to drink heavily, and it is prove n that there is high risk for both those who do participate in this dangerous activity and for their non-drinking peers. It is a proven fact that young adults are among the heaviest drinkers in the United States, and college students tend to drink more than their non-college attending peers. These statistics donââ¬â¢t make all that much sense considering most people would say that they go to college to get ahead; however, if you use college as an excuse to go out and get drunk all the time (which many seem to do), then you might be worse off than those who do not go to college at all. Laura G. Hensley, a writer for the Journal of College Counseling, reports that ââ¬Å"Binge drinking [also known as heavy episodic dr... ...k Groups.â⬠American Journal of Public Health 93.11 (Nov 2003): 1929-1934. Academic Search Premier EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 26 March 2004. . Weitzman, Elissa R. ââ¬Å"Social Developmental Overview of Heavy Episodic or Binge Drinking Among U.S. College Students.â⬠Psychiatric Times 21.2 (Feb 2004): 57-60. Academic Search Premier EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 26 March 2004. . Williams, David, Adrian Thomas, Walter C. Buboltz Jr., and Maibel McKinney. ââ¬Å"Changing the Attitudes that Predict Underage Drinking in College Students: A Program Evaluation.â⬠Journal of College Counseling 5.1 (Spring 2002): 39-49. Academic Search Premier EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 27 March 2004. .
Friday, October 11, 2019
Salary Surveys
The legal field in the United States is constantly changing. Assisting attorneys is no longer a one title job. An attorney can call his or her assistant a paralegal, a legal assistant, a legal secretary, and so on and so forth. The process to become an attorneyââ¬â¢s assistant is also changing. Many attorneys in the United States prefer to hire paralegals. The American Bar Association defines a paralegal as ââ¬Å"a person, qualified by education, training, or work experience, who is employed or retained by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental agency or other entity and who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which the lawyer is responsibleâ⬠(American Bar Association, 1997). This broad definition allows a great variant in the salary paid to a paralegal. An entry level paralegal in Knoxville, Tennessee can expect to earn $35,000 per year according to www. salary. com. An entry level paralegal is defined as a paralegal with 0-2 years experience, and may or may not possess an Associateââ¬â¢s Degree in paralegal studies. In comparison, a Paralegal with five or more years experience and a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree can expect to earn $55,000 per year. The salary ranges throughout the state of Tennessee for paralegals are standard. This is not the case throughout the United States. Each state within the United States must account for cost of living. The cost of living in Southern California is significantly higher per year than the cost of living in Tennessee. The salaries that are paid to employees need to reflect this cost of living, at least to some degree. According to www. salary. com, an entry level paralegal in San Diego, CA can expect to earn $40,000 per year. A paralegal with five or more years of experience and a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree can expect to earn $70,000 per year. Cost of living is not the only reason for differences in pay based on region. Competition, education, and demand for certain positions also plays a part in the salary an employee can expect to earn. For example, in San Diego, CA major universities offer paralegal programs at the bachelorââ¬â¢s degree level. Because of this attorneys expect to hire the best educated paralegal, and a paralegal with only an associates degree will not be able to compete for jobs effectively in this region. In contrast, Tennessee does not offer very many paralegal programs at the bachelorââ¬â¢s degree level. The majority of paralegal programs in Tennessee are either certificate programs or associateââ¬â¢s degree programs. Population plays a major role in salary variants. The population of Knoxville, Tennessee does not require as many attorneys. The attorneys that do work in Knoxville, Tennessee most likely do not have the same work load as those attorneys who work in San Diego, California and do not need the same level of support form a paralegal. This also causes these attorneys to hire paralegals at a lower wage. The amount of money a person living in Knoxville, Tennessee can afford to pay an attorney is also less. Since attorneys in Knoxville, Tennessee earn less than attorneys in San Diego, California, the paralegals will also earn less. Another factor that affects the salary a paralegal will receive is area of law. A paralegal working for the US Attorneyââ¬â¢s office in Knoxville, Tennessee can expect to make the same salary as a paralegal working for a private practice attorney in San Diego, California, educating and experience being equal. However, that same paralegal working for the US Attorneyââ¬â¢s office in San Diego, California can expect to earn $5 more per hour than he or she did working in the same capacity in Knoxville, Tennessee. The area of law that a paralegal chooses to work in has a major impact on the salary received. By obtaining a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree and a graduate level paralegal certificate, obtaining a competitive salary in Knoxville, Tennessee has been disappointing compared to the salaries available in San Diego, California. However, due to the lower cost of living, a lower salary is acceptable. Holding a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree and a graduate level paralegal certificate also assists a paralegal in competing more effectively for the jobs that are available in Knoxville, Tennessee. The majority of the paralegals in Knoxville, Tennessee only possess an Associates degree in paralegal studies or relevant experience. These paralegals consistently earn less than a paralegal with a higher level of education, which is fair under the circumstances. Paralegals who have achieved a lesser amount of education can have a tendency to resent the inconsistencies in salary. Many of these paralegals feel that they are doing the same job as the more educated paralegal and should be receiving equal compensation. However, through further investigation one would conclude that a more highly educated paralegal will be allowed to conduct more research, write briefs, and work with minimal attorney supervision. This is in stark contrast to a paralegal with a lower level of education. In order to adjust for the inconsistencies in pay, an organization will usually offer bonuses for extra work put in as well as promotions. It is common practice to promote a paralegal with years of experience even if that paralegal is lacking in education. The promotion rate for a paralegal with a lower level of education may be on a slower timeline than that of a paralegal with a higher level of education, but this is an attempt to minimize the inconsistencies in salary. Receiving an adequate salary for a paralegal can be a complicated task. Many factors exist that provide for inconsistencies in salary. The region of the country a paralegal lives in, the type of law the paralegal works in, the amount of experience the paralegal has, and the level of education a paralegal has obtained all play a role in determining how much a paralegal should be paid. Reviewing the education programs available at the American Association for Paralegal Education will assist paralegals in receiving the highest possible salary throughout their career.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
A Borderless World Does Not Preclude the Idea of a Home
A Borderless World Does Not Preclude the Idea of a Home The speech given by Patricia Evangelista was mainly about nationalism. According to her, a borderless world does not preclude or rule out oneââ¬â¢s idea of a home. It is about being proud and appreciating our own country and appreciating even ourselves. A ââ¬Å"borderless worldâ⬠refers to an open world which can bring influences upon people. It may bring about changes in their culture, beliefs, traditions and others. There are many reasons why people, especially Filipinos, migrate to other countries. One of them is poverty. Most Filipinos think that if they go to other countries, they will have a happy and comfortable life. Many Filipinos are working abroad instead of working in the Philippines, their own country. There are a lot of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) especially in the Middle East. There are also others serving as domestic helpers, care givers, nurses, etc. The main cause for this is probably because the salary offered in other countries is higher compared to that in the Philippines. In spite of these, there are also Filipinos who became successful in other countries that are still here in the Philippines. Some may have been famous in the field of science and sports. Others may have been popular singers and actors or actresses. I was just like the speaker when I was little. I usually imagine myself being white and blonde; similar to what I see when I watch the television. While I grow older, I slowly learned to appreciate and be contented of myself. I also learned to love and be used of the countryââ¬â¢s traditions and beliefs. I am proud to be a Filipino, and I am a true Filipino at heart.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Narrative Technique of Sula Essay
Although Sula is arranged in chronological order, it does not construct a linear story with the causes of each new plot event clearly visible in the preceding chapter. Instead, Sula uses ââ¬Å"juxtaposition,â⬠the technique through which collages are put together. The effects of a collage on the viewer depend on unusual combinations of pictures, or on unusual arrangements such as overlapping. The pictures of a collage donââ¬â¢t fit smoothly together, yet they create a unified effect. The ââ¬Å"picturesâ⬠of Sulaââ¬â¢s collage are separate events or character sketches. Together, they show the friendship of Nel and Sula as part of the many complicated, overlapping relationships that make up the Bottom. Morrison presents the novel from the perspective of an omniscient narrator ââ¬â one who knows all the charactersââ¬â¢ thoughts and feelings. An omniscient narrator usually puts the reader in the position of someone viewing a conventional portrait or landscape rather than a collage. (In such situations, the viewer can perceive the unity of the whole work with only a glance.) To create the collage-like effect of Sula, the omniscient narrator never reveals the thoughts of all the characters at one time. Instead, from chapter to chapter, she chooses a different point-of-view character, so that a different personââ¬â¢s consciousness and experience dominate a particular incident or section. In addition, the narrator sometimes moves beyond the consciousness of single, individual characters, to reveal what groups in the community think and feel. On the rare occasions when it agrees unanimously, she presents the united communityââ¬â¢s view. As in The Bluest Eye and Jazz, the comm unity has such a direct impact on individuals that it amounts to a character. In narrative technique for Sula, Morrison draws on a specifically modernist usage of juxtaposition. Modernism, discussed in Chapter 3, was the dominant literary movement during the first half of the twentieth century. Writers of this period abandoned the unifying, omniscient narrator of earlier literature to make literature more like life, in which each of us has to make our own sense of the world. Rather than passively receiving a smooth, connected story from an authoritative narrator, the reader is forced to piece together a coherent plot and meaning from more separated pieces ofà information. Modernists experimented with many literary genres. For example, T. S. Eliot created his influential poem The Wasteland by juxtaposing quotations from other literary works and songs, interspersed with fragmentary narratives of original stories. Fiction uses an analogous technique of juxtaposition. Each successive chapter of William Faulkner novel As I Lay Dying, for instance, drops the reader into a different characterââ¬â¢s consciousness without the direction or help of an omniscient narrator. To figure out the plot, the reader must work through the perceptions of characters who range from a seven-year-old boy to a madman. The abrupt, disturbing shifts from one consciousness to another are an intended part of the readerââ¬â¢s experience. As with all literary techniques, juxtaposition is used to communicate particular themes. In Cane, a work that defies our usual definitions of literary genres, Jean Toomer juxtaposed poetry and brief prose sketches. In this way, Cane establishes its thematic contrast of rural black culture in the South and urban black culture of the North. Morrison, who wrote her masterââ¬â¢s thesis on two modernists, Faulkner and Virginia Woolf, uses juxtaposition as a structuring device in Sula. Though relatively short for a novel, Sula has an unusually large number of chapters, eleven. This division into small pieces creates an intended choppiness, the uncomfortable sense of frequently stopping and starting. The content of the chapters accentuates this choppy rhythm. Almost every chapter shifts the focus from the story of the preceding chapter by changing the point-of-view character or introducing sudden, shocking events and delaying discussion of the charactersââ¬â¢ motives until later. In ââ¬Å"1921,â⬠for example, Eva douses her son Plum with kerosene and burns him to death. Although the reader knows that Plum has become a heroin addict, Evaââ¬â¢s reasoning is not revealed. When Hannah, naturally assuming that Eva doesnââ¬â¢t know of Plumââ¬â¢s danger, tells her that Plum is burning, the chapter ends with Evaââ¬â¢s almost nonchalant ââ¬Å"Is? My baby? Burning?â⬠(48). Not until midway through the next chapter, ââ¬Å"1923,â⬠does Hannahââ¬â¢s questioning allow the reader to understand Evaââ¬â¢s motivation. Juxtaposition thus heightens the readerââ¬â¢s sense of incompleteness. Instead of providing quick resolution, juxtapositionà introduces new and equally disturbing events. Paradoxically, when an occasional chapter does contain a single story apparently complete in itself, it too contributes to the novelââ¬â¢s overall choppy rhythm. In a novel using a simple, chronological mode of narration, each succeeding chapter would pick up where the last one left off, with the main characters now involved in a different incident, but in some clear way affected by their previous experience. In Sula, however, some characters figure prominently in one chapter and then fade entirely into the background. The first chapter centers on Shadrack, and although he appears twice more and has considerable psychic importance to Sula and symbolic importance to the novel, he is not an important actor again. In similar fashion, Helene Wright is the controlling presence of the third chapter, ââ¬Å"1920,â⬠but barely appears in the rest of the book. These shifts are more unsettling than if Shadrack and Helene were ancestors of the other characters, generations removed, because the reader would then expect them to disappear. Their initial prominence and later shadowy presence contribute to the readerââ¬â¢s feeling of disruption. The choppy narration of Sula expresses one of its major themes, the fragmentation of both individuals and the community. Sula. New York: Knopf, 1973. Rpt. New York: Penguin, 1982
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Statistical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Statistical analysis - Essay Example Kazemi, et al. used generalized estimating equations and logistic regression to analyze effects of motivational interviewing on frequency of blackouts among first year students. Generalized estimation equation is appropriate to the correlation problem and the discrete scope of variables on which it is used. Logistic regression is also applicable to the factor as blackout and gender were measured on a categorical, discrete, and binary scale. Other variables were measured on other scales but these are applicable to the estimating models (Muth, 2009). Inferred binary assumption on blackout and gender are also valid. Badger and Werrett however used descriptive statistics for analysis and this is consistent with the discrete and ordinal scope of the analyzed data. Frequency of occurrence was the focus of the descriptive study that lacked assumptions on the investigated variables. The statistics are however effective for the studyââ¬â¢s objective (Muth, 2009). Awerczek et al. also used descriptive statistics for quantitative aspects of their study. The discrete nature of the investigated variables, measurable on ordinal scale, justifies use of descriptive statistics such as percentages but no assumption can be deduced from the analysis to justify the
Monday, October 7, 2019
Coupon Accounting Abuse Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Coupon Accounting Abuse - Case Study Example From this paper it is clear that an efficient control environment should have both preventive and detective measures against fraudulent activities. The preventive measures aim to dissuade any chances of fraud or errors and they include the implementation of thorough documentation and authorization practices in the company. In this instance, the company should have had an authorization channel in place such that for one to alter the income statement as Larry did, there had to be proper authorization and documentation to support this. This would therefore ensure that the transactions are accurate and complete, and the proper documentation provides evidence of all transactions. Detective measures would ensure that undesirable activities like fraud are identified. Reconciliation of transactions and their supporting documentation would identify any cases of fraud within the company. This would ensure that financial information is accurate and valid and that any unauthorized alterations of transactions do not occur. Therefore, in Larryââ¬â¢s case, his alteration of the expense estimate for the new coupon would have been detected if proper control measures had been in place. A company must take preventive steps to protect the company from abuse from its employees and management. Preventive measures require efficient processes and should identify any risks that the company is prone to. There are two fundamental activities that act as deterrents of errors and fraud; documentation and authorization. Documentation is anything that provides evidence of a transaction; it may be in form of paper or electronic communication. This ensures the accuracy and completeness of transactions since the documentation provides a record of all the events and activities that have transpired as well as giving information whenever a discrepancy occurs.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
CRIMINAL LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
CRIMINAL LAW - Essay Example Rachel would win the challenge if she did not move her foot. Rachel accepted the challenge. The game started and Charlie was the first to throw a knife which hit Rachelââ¬â¢s ankle resulting in a deep cut and started bleeding. Rachel shouted at Charlie that she would get back to her, if she wasnââ¬â¢t in much pain. Seeing what had happened, Monica shouted to Charlie wondering whether she was crazy. Monica then lamented that she could not believe that Charlie had cut Rachelââ¬â¢s foot and asked whether it was because she hated her since she used to date Ross who still loves her. These comments infuriated Charlie, who grabbed the pair of scissors lying on the table and cut a large chunk of Monicaââ¬â¢s hair. Charlie raised her hand again holding the scissors and Monica thought that she was going to cut her again, and so she rushed out of the house. On her way out, Monica met Joey who had heard the commotion and had come to check what was going on. Bumping onto Joey, Monica fell on the floor dislocation the right wrist which she had previously injured a day earlier while playing tennis. Rachel grabbed the frying pan and tried to hit Charlie at the time Joey was entering the apartment. Rachel missed Charlie and instead hit Joey fracturing his nose. In this case, the facts are that, Rachel was aware of the risk and danger she was putting herself into when she agreed to take the challenge that allowed Charlie and Monica to throw knives near her foot. Charlie threw a knife that cut Rachelââ¬â¢s foot resulting in bleeding; this was not intentional but an accident. As a result of infuriation, Charlie cut off a big chunk of Monicaââ¬â¢s hair, this was not an accident, and it was intentional. Monica dislocating her arm as a result of bumping onto Joey was purely an accident. Rachel hitting Joeyââ¬â¢s nose with a frying pan and fracturing it was not intentional. Based on the facts of this case, the question that arises is what criminal liabilities for the said parties in this case are. Parties Criminal Liability It is very clear, from the facts extrapolated above; the issues of Grievous Bodily Harm, Accidents, and Transferred Malice in relation to injuries are significant to these partiesââ¬â¢ liabilities. Neither Rachel, Joey nor Monica, did anything wrong. The harm caused to Rachel by Charlie, the deep cut in Rachelââ¬â¢s foot, is considered involuntary. The potential criminal liability that faces Charlie is the Grievous Bodily Harm statute under section 18 of the 1861 Act, Offences against the Person. According the external elements of the offence-actus reus-a defendant must unlawfully cause any grievous bodily harm or wound1. The deep cut on Rachelââ¬â¢s foot caused by Charlie may constitute a grievous bodily harm or wound, under the rule found in Eisenhower, the continuity of the whole skin be cut rule2. The deep cut on Rachelââ¬â¢s foot caused by Charlie can also be explained under really serious bodily harm as seen in the case DPP v Smith3, but would, however, be up to the jury. According to the mens rea4, for such a liability to accrue, there is a requirement that an act needs to be malicious and with intent. Charlie would most probably fall under section 18 of the 1861 Act, Offences against the Person, which does need intent or malice5. It may be argued that cutting someoneââ¬â¢
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